Humanism is a religion the British deep state picked up from the Pharaoh era

  • 7 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: The British deep state has a belief, a religion. This belief is called 'humanism.' Humanism is a religion introduced by the British deep state. Both Pharaoh and Nimrod promoted the same belief. It is a religion promoted by all dajjals. It is these dajjals who put forward the tenets of this religion. For example, when Pharaoh is asked "What is humanism" he replies, "As far as I am concerned, humanism is regarding the Pharaoh as God." What else? "Knowing that every property in Egypt belongs to him, eating onion and garlic, working one's self to exhaustion, serving Pharaoh and dividing the people into castes. The Qur'an states that Pharaoh's hallmark was to divide his people into social classes. He separates the people into myriad castes, effectively tearing the society apart. And he humiliates, belittles and looks down on his people saying, "You are nothing but ignorant, barbarous, unremarkable, simpleminded peasants, whereas I am high and mighty." And what does the British deep state do? Exactly the same thing. What did Pharaoh do? He did the same, too. How does the British deep state operate? It divides the society and then attempts to swallow them. How did Pharaoh operate? He divided the people and then attempted to swallow them.

For example, the Greater Middle East Project is a project befitting of Pharaoh. Divide and swallow. Pharaoh would follow the same strategy; he would divide then swallow. This characteristic of Pharaoh is addressed in the Qur'an. Therefore, the term humanism has many different connotations. For example, Muslims say, "For me, humanism means Islam." But for Pharaoh, humanism means abiding by the laws of Pharaoh. In other words, humanism is an ambiguous term. Every belief can interpret it in accordance with its own ends. For example, for communists, being human means being a communist. In fact, they say that being a communist means being a decent human, or more precisely, a weapon to be utilized by humanism.  The religion the British deep state adheres to is humanism. In this religion, there are no rules; homosexuals are granted liberty and Rumi ideology that denies the existence of God reigns supreme. The Rumi philosophy utterly rejects Islam, saying, "Our path does not cross with Islam." Just as humanism does not abide by a specific religion, the Rumi philosophy, too, does not acknowledge any specific religion. It rejects all Abrahamic religions. It considers itself above all religions. Humanism, the religion of humanity, rejects all other religions and considers itself above them. Muslims practice their religion for the sake of God, and piety reigns supreme in every part of their lives. There is no need to demonstrate it to God as God sees all. God has already seen all deeds of believers in eternity. So He does not need believers to show Him how pious they are. Believers should practice religion and exercise piety for the sake of God. Because God’s gaze is constantly upon people.
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