Plane dumps fuel over Pacific before returning to Los Angeles

  • 7 years ago
Video of a Japan Airlines plane on a flight from Los Angeles to Osaka dumping fuel after an electrical problem.

In the video, filmed on Sunday afternoon (November 19), liquid fuel can be seen pouring out from one of the wings over the Pacific about an hour into the flight.

Explains the filmer: "Japan Airlines flight JL69, on a Sunday afternoon from LA to Osaka.

"(It was) normal until about an hour or so into our flight, when we noticed the plane shooting liquid fuel out of the wing.

"A few minutes later we were told over the intercom that there was some minor electrical problem and we had to return to LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) to fix it.

"The plane was dumping fuel, we were told, in order to land more safely. So we circled over the ocean for a while, finally it stopped, and they announced we’d return. All told, our arrival was delayed six hours.

"The flight crew was super nice, and the whole plane was pretty calm and comfortable throughout. JAL gave us a reasonable reimbursement for the delay. What a long day!"



