Is this PROOF that UFOs Exist ?

  • 7 лет назад
The government has denied their existence for decades. Popular media portrays UFOs as science fiction, and their believers as crackpots. Yet images of them have been seen in cave paintings, in religious artworks and elsewhere for centuries. \r
Millions wonder, “Do flying saucers exist, and is man alone in the universe? Is there life on other planets, and are we being visited by alien beings?” These are perplexing questions, and few subjects are as intriguing.\r
The fs are in. Yes, UFOs are real! They exist! But what are they?\r
UFOs are the opposite of IFOs,identified flying objects. Some have been tracked on radar screens, and have mysteriously vanished in the twinkling of an eye. Allegedly, several jet planes pursuing these objects have been destroyed or disappeared. Thousands of reputable people from all walks of life claim to have seen them: pilots, astronauts, senators, qualified scientists, celebrities, just plain folks, and even an ex-president. Well-documented reports have come from all corners of the world that UFOs exist. Pretending they do not exist does not make them go away. Unidentified flying objects have even been recorded in ancient Egyptian and Babylonian documents, indicating they have been around for a long, long time. There have been numerous cases in which people claimed to have been abducted and examined aboard alien spacecraft. Under hypnosis, some have even “recaptured” lost memories of mysterious abductions or visions.
