Undertale - No Hit Bosses Compilation - Part 1

  • 7 лет назад
Part 2 - \r
Stumbled upon this obscure doujin game that seems really cool. Its an RPG but it turns into a shmup among other things when the enemy attacks. \r
0:00 - Toriel\r
1:27 - Papyrus\r
5:29 - Mad Dummy\r
8:18 - Mad Undyne\r
12:11 - So Sorry\r
13:21 - Muffet\r
16:30 - Mettaton EX\r
20:35 - Asgore\r
24:36 - Undyne the Undying\r
28:13 - Omega Flowey\r
30:25 - Asriel Dreemurr\r
34:43 - Sans\r
40:18 - Credits\r
I count something as a boss when its a unique encounter that has more than just two attacks.\r
Stand still for blue attacks and keep moving for light-brown attacks etc.\r
Anyway, some notes:\r
The wavy bullet pattern in the Toriel fight has a safespot in the bottom-right corner one space up.\r
This boss picks attack patterns at random which can lead to some silly situations. I had to scrap an earlier no-hit because she literally only kept using the really easy tapstream attack. \r
With the ballet shoes you can kill Geno Undyne before any of the hard and cool attacks come out, which is really lame, so I used the glove here. \r
For the dense arrow attacks pay attention to which arrow is highlighted red since it shows which arrow is the closest to you.\r
Most of the DDR attacks in the Undyne fights are static. Although most of them can be sightread, some require some memorization. The yellow arrows always move to the opposite side of where they appear so put your spear/shield thingy in the opposite direction of where they appear to block them. \r
I ually found the Normal Undyne fight with max challenge to be harder than her Genocide variant. The DDR attacks in the geno fight are generally more straight-forward to dodge while the normal fight has some really tricky DDR attacks with hard execution. There is one hard DDR attack with random yellow arrows near the end of the fight that took me a while to get past. The very last yellow arrow spam is easy though, just move the spear in an anti-clockwise circle. \r
The muffet fight is pretty much completely static except for the part where you have to move up. The most important thing to keep in mind during that part is to not rush, you have plenty of time to dodge around the spiders. For the rest of the fight memo the safespots.\r
Asriels sword attack is quite tough but you can use his feet to tell where the safe zones are. \r
For the lightning attacks you want to stay completely outside of the warning boxes and then dash into them shortly after the lightning strikes. The timing is a bit tricky but after you get it down youll never get hit by it again. \r
The menu bones in the Sans fight are static. Immediately jumping to ACT when the turn starts and then returning to FIGHT after like 2 seconds always works. For the slam attacks theres a trick where you hold down all four directions at once. \r
Dont really feel like doing the entirety of Omega Flowey since the fight is just so badly designed for no-hit purposes. Unlike the rest of the game, there are no pauses between attacks, and the next attack starts while the current one is still ive. That can be just fine except this fight isnt balanced around that at all. Its all RNG and tons of attack transitions are blatantly impossible to dodge. The fight is about 80% luck and 20% skill. Pattern-wise, none of his attacks are very hard to dodge by shmup standards and they also arent really any harder than some of the patterns you find in a Genocide run. Its just that it doesnt matter how skilled you are, if the game decides youre going to get hit, then theres nothing you can do about it and this happens pretty much 95% of the time. It already took way too long to brute-force this final phase until it gave me the RNG that ually made it physically possible to win. It would be a very time-consuming undertaking to get a run of the whole 8 minute fight without anything impossible occurring. \r
Its probably possible to brute-force Asriels 2nd form with enough time and luckshit, except for that one spam attack that is blatantly impossible of course, but you lose the Sea Tea effect when the fight starts and it takes like 10 minutes every time to get back there so thats no fun.\r
This video took about the better part of a week to make. Probably what took the longest was Sans and Flowey with about 30 and 40 attempts each. Asriel also took long but that was mostly because you have to wait like 5 minutes between every attempt, the ual fight itself only took like 8 attempts. Geno Undyne and Asgore was about 10 attempts with Mad Undyne about 15. The rest of the bosses only took around 1 to 3 attempts. \r
To increase the charer limit, change your name to whatever you want in the undertale.ini and reset your run. You dont have to reset if you also change the name in file0 and similar files but that is the eas


