Aoe2 HD: 4v4 Arena (Mongols, Defending Against Pressure)

  • 7 years ago
In this match I played as the Mongols on the map Arena in a 4v4 between me and the higher-rated viewers. Since I randomed the Mongols I decided to go for the usual boom into Mass Mangudai. Mangudai can be extremely difficulty to mass due to their slow creation speed and expensive upgrades, but once you get enough of them it can be rather hard for your enemies to properly counter them. Ideally a combination of units, such as Skirmishers, Onagers, and heavy cavalry units (such as Paladins) will work decently well. The hope is that you have too many theats for the Mangudai to be able to safely focus fire down your Onagers. My adjacent opponents ually made some incredibly aggressive plays this game and even dropped a very far forward Castle at the very front of my base. With Paladins to back him up and some forward Siege Workshops, things could have gone horribly for me. Thankfully though by positioning my own Castles correctly in-advance (to prevent this type of thing) and careful unit choices I was able to hold the line. I also preemptively build a ton of houses outside my base in case I got boxed in like I did. My 3rd Castle basically sealed the deal here as it protected my outside gold mines and completely prevented the forward castle from going up. \r
My Civilization: Mongols\r
My Position in the Team: Flank\r
Map: Arena\r
Strategy attempted: Economic Boom, Mass Mangudai\r
Game Type: 4v4, Random Map, Conquest\r
Watch me stream these matches live at: \r
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Date Recorded: January 23, new\r
My Steam Workshop Mods:\r
Terrain Texture Pack: \r
Mikes Farm Textures: \r
Pussywood for HD: \r
Tetsuos Cliff Textures: \r
My Custom AI: \r
Legal: \r
All of the music used in this video is from the official soundtrack to Age of Empires II: HD Edition, and comes packaged with the game. \r
The game is available to be purchased at the following link: \r
Age of Empires II © Microsoft Corporation. This video was created under Microsofts Game Content Usage Rules using assets from Age of Empires II, and it is not endorsed by or affiliated with Microsoft. \r
