Top 10 Most Deadliest Snakes On Earth

  • 7 years ago

Anacondas are a group of large snakes of the genus Eunectes. They are found in tropical South America. Four species are currently recognized.

9..Saw scale(Echis)

Echis is a genus of venomous vipers found in the dry regions of Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka. They have a characteristic threat display, rubbing sections of their body together to produce a "sizzling" warning sound


Rattlesnakes live in many places and habitats in the Western Hemisphere, from mountains to deserts and plains. There are more than 24 rattlesnake species

7..death adder

Acanthophis is a genus of elapid snakes. Commonly called death adders, they are native to Australia, New Guinea and nearby islands


The Pythonidae, commonly known simply as pythons, from the Greek word python, are a family of nonvenomous snakes found in Africa, Asia, and Australia. Among its members are some of the largest snakes in the world.

5..Tiger snake

Tiger snakes are a type of venomous snake found in southern regions of Australia, including its coastal islands and Tasmania.

4..Sea Snakes

The Hydrophiinae, commonly known as sea snakes or coral reef snakes, are a subfamily of venomous elapid snakes that inhabit marine environments for most or all of their lives

3..Black mamba

The black mamba is a venomous snake endemic to parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Skin colour varies from grey to dark brown. Juvenile black mambas tend to be paler than adults and darken with age



The taipans are snakes of the genus Oxyuranus in the elapid family. They are large, fast-moving, highly venomous, and endemic to Australasia. There are currently three recognised species, one of which, the coastal taipan, has two subspecies.


King cobra

The king cobra is a species of venomous snake in the family Elapidae, endemic to forests from India through Southeast Asia. This serpent is the world's longest venomous snake. Adult king cobras are 3.18 to 4 m long.