Diablo 2 Ultimate PVM Javazon Guide (Old)

  • 7 лет назад
Hello! Its been a long time coming, but now its here. Since I first uploaded my orginale javazon video Ive been tinkering with ideas and gear-setups. This is the result. Read below thanks! Ninja Edit: Since uploading not much has changed inn my gear, new 2-20 gloves with 15 STR, fire res, 1 new LL ring, a 15% ED 20-20 light monarch and finally a unperm bug belt for fun. My resists stays good, even poison didnt go into minus. I currently also have 15 FHR and 192 FRW, reaching relevant BPs (1 5 FHR sc with res).\r
This setup is Unique, not something you see every day. This setup is very good for PVM cause off the switch thunderstroke with its highere physical damage and -light res together with phoniex shield that gives a huge ED boost, redemption aura for instant mana switch and other usefull stats. Ontop off that I reach Faster run walk speed break point off 195 \r
Note that FRW has deminishing returns, the more you have, the less it works. Maybe 195 is over-kill, but thats what I went for :)\r
For more information read below.\r
As with ANY other builds there is always room for improvement. For me that lies inn valkyrie + pre-questes vs 10 more synergy skils debate, and better gear inn form off Gz rings, Eth thunderstroke for even more physical damage, a 400% ED phoniex monarch, and possibely a 20/20 monarch and gz java gloves.\r
I hit all the relevant breakpoints inn this gear I aimed for. Nothing is wrong about str, dex, vit or IAS. As always when you build a charer feel free to use the calculator for IAS breakpoints.\r
I reliease its controversial to not use Ravenfrost, but I feelt like not using one for this upload. Inn my stash I keep these items for switch:\r
Shako with 15% IAS\r
FCR, FRW circle\r
FRW circle 2 ama, 5% LL; 2 mana each kill\r
Mavina belt (for FRW setups and ML)\r
Chains of honor dusk (For LL and res)\r
Cleglaws for fun.\r
Layings for Fire res, ED to demons.\r
CTA + lidless\r
Old ML ring\r
BK 5%\r
Ravenfrost 20 dex\r
Highlords wrath (For more dmg/light res but no FRW)\r
This is the best setup from from my POV. If you have any questions, criticisme or just like my video, feel free to comment.\r
Sorry for long video this time! Hope you enjoy the gameplay inn the end haha!


