• 8 years ago
Best Skin Brightening - whitening Mask in 15 minutes - Homemade Lemon, honey and Yogurt Skin Whitening Face Mask

1 Table Spoon of Plain Yogurt
1 Table Spoon Honey
1 Tea Spoon Lemon Juice.

• Apply the pack evenly on face and neck.
• Leave on for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Yogurt is rich in Zinc, Lactic Acid, Calcium and B-Vitamins . Zinc help reduces acne or rashes, help tighten tissues, and is necessary for cell reproduction. Lactic Acid help smoothen rough skin and moisturise rough dry skin. Calcium facilitates skin renewal and the B-vitamins in Yogurt help cell growth and regeneration and protects skin from sun damage.

All these properties help skin regenaration and help skin brightening and skin lightening.

Honey acts as an emollient in skin lightening process. It helps to soften and soothe the skin as the other lightening ingredients "bleaches" the skin.

Lemon Juice works in lightening the skin and acne scars by shedding the dead skin cells and acting as a bleaching agent.

Combing all three ingredients help producing the perfect face whitening mask. Be careful to stay out of the sun because the mask contains lemon juice or use sunscreen.

Apply this mask 3-4 times a week to see results. Don't forget to moisturise your face.

This Homemade Lemon, honey and Yogurt Skin Whitening Face Mask is really effective but with consistency.
