Shri Rajiv Dixit : Cure Diabetes Permanently from your Life Without Medicine

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Learn from Shri Rajiv Dixit, the Ayurvedic formula to Cure Diabetes Permanently from your Life Without any Allopathic Medicine\r
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Ayurvedic System of Medicine clearly defines Diabetes. Diabetes Mellitus was known to Indian Civilization since vedic period by the name Asrava (Prameha). Diabetes is also known as Madhumeha. Diabetes is also called Maharoga (Major Disease) as almost all parts of the body and every cell of human physiology are effected. It also disturbs 5 sheaths of the body -- annamaya kosha{Food sheath}, pranamaya kosha{Energy sheath}, manomaya kosha{Mind Sheath}, vijnana maya kosha{Intellectual Sheath} and anandamaya kosha{Bliss Sheath}. \r
Synthetic drugs like Sulphonylureas, biguanidine, acarbose and Insulin are widely used in Allopathic treatment of Diabetes (Madhumeha). However Diabetes is termed as SILENT KILLER and recently evidence of cases of Insulin resistance and the occurrence of side effects from prolonged administration of conventional drugs have triggered the search for safe and effective alternatives. Ancient science of Ayurveda has discussed diabetes at length thousands of years ago. The knowledge and effectiveness of diagnosis can be understood with the f that Ayurveda has classified Diabetes (madhumeha) into 20 Types. 4 due to Vata, 6 results from Pitta, and 10 are caused by Kapha.\r


