TMNT 2016

  • 7 лет назад
Open as Cody Jones wakes up in the morning, thinking he had dreamed yesterdays events. The boy rushes off to find his robotic servant Serling, but instead discovers that it wasnt a dream after all - the Turtles and Master Splinter are already up and training, or, in ninja terms, wrecking, in the middle of Codys luxurious sitting room (much to Serlings dismay). The addled robot is trying to stop them in order to keep the apartment from being destroyed by the ion. Serling is chasing the Turtles all over the room, but hes having little success in stopping the destructive training session. When Cody arrives the big bot asks his master to give him the word to throw the ruffians out, but instead, young Jones exclaims Do it again! Needless to say, Serlings circuits are exasperated.\r
Later, the Turtles and Splinter are standing beside Codys time machine. Young Jones flips on the complex apparatus and punches in commands, but the time machine sparks, explodes and emits billows of dark smoke. The TMNT are still stuck in the future for now.\r
Just then, Codys uncle, Darius Dun, walks in. Dun runs ONeil Tech until Cody is old enough to legally take over. Jones tries to introduce the Turtles, but theyve gone into stealth-mode and have disappeared. Darius then gives Cody a lecture on how he must be careful and stay in his apartment because nefarious forces would love to get their hands on the heir to the ONeil Tech fortune. After Dun leaves, the Turtles and Cody decide to sneak to ONeil Tech to get parts for the time machine (because Darius said that he will be out of his office for the day).\r
The guys board the Hovershell and fly off to collect parts for the machine. Little do they know Darius is ually spying on them via Serling. Dun is outraged that the Turtles are intruding on Codys life and he ivates four large green capsules in a secret room. Bird-like armored warriors smash through the containers and greet Darius, asking him what their mission is. Dun orders his minions, the Inuwashi Gunjin, to get rid of the interfering Turtles.\r
As the Hovershell continues its journey to the ONeil Tech headquarters, one of the flying warriors attaches a device to the vehicle. A few seconds later, it powers on and causes the Hovershell to begin a free fall!\r
As the Hovershell falls, it suddenly takes control of itself, being steered by an outside source. Cody quickly ivates a feature he installed in the vehicle, which separates the front section of the Hover Shell from the rear. Unfortunately the front section isnt meant to fly - so it plummets to the earth. Fortunately no harm is done and the sturdy craft lands safely as a tank.\r
Serling tells the Turtles how to track Cody.\r
Later, the shadowy winged creatures report to Darius that the TMNT got away. An enraged Dun threatens to put the Grunions back into the stasis capsules if they dont complete their mission soon. The flying fighters decide to betray Darius.\r
Elsewhere, Donatello puts his plan into ion, and for five blocks around the building, power systematically shuts down. With Viral isolated in Codys penthouse, Don quickly shuts down power in the building. Inside the Turtle Dojo, the holographic enemy crackles with energy, floats into the air, and then disappears!\r
The dojo doors finally open. Cody and Don come inside to explain what they did, but just as it seems to be over, Viral tears through a wall and enters the room! The villain has taken over the Dojo Battle Bots body and is angrier than ever!\r
As Viral attacks, the Turtles gang up on her - pleased that she is now in a physical body that can take real damage. With nowhere else to upload to, Viral cannot escape the ninja onslaught. A very damaged Viral makes a run for the elevator, but the Turtles catch her and kick her down the deep elevator shaft.\r
Later, the Turtles and Jones arrive in the trashed penthouse apartment. Serling is back to his old self and worried about cleaning up the mess. Raph reports that Viral survived the fall and has escaped. We also discover that Splinter has regained his strength. The Sensei points out to Cody how Donatello displayed the importance of mind while his brothers proved the value of body in their battle. Jones states the he understands the importance of his first lesson and he and the others begin to meditate. Raph wanders off to read in peace but is dismayed when he sits in a robotic chair that begins speaking to him.\r
Cut to a utilities access tunnel where the damaged Viral is kneeling. A shadowy figure enters and Viral begs for repair. Virals master is ShOkanabo, the mastermind behind the plot to take over ONeil Tech and retrieve its secrets. The evil overlord tells his underling that she will stay in this body as p


