Whos your healer, Cancer? December 2016

  • il y a 7 ans
Cancer!! December finds you having a few hard moments of realization about the past and having to let go of pain that you mightve gotten used to having around. But its all in good time! The new year is almost upon us and the Universe is definitely looking to throw some real love into your life. Healing and commiseration are on the menu if you can do the brave work of letting someone new in. Sure, we all get hurt and we all suffer from time to time, but this month someone will come to you who will really help you see yourself in a new and much younger incarnation. Before the muck of heartbreak and toxicity ate away at your soft center. And this healing presence will work very well in terms of your finances as well. \r
Suddenly, the future of your love life grows brighter, kind of out of nowhere. But it isnt out of nowhere, is it? No! First the painful realizations, the cutting of emotional chords that have held on too long and then the healing begins! \r
Pain can be addictive cancer, and in this case also very toxic. Let go and let the world rush in to meet you with open arms and an abundance of healing. Use your dual nature to both perceive the pain, but also swim past it. \r
If youd like a beautiful mala like the one Im wearing, please cont Cynthia at: \r
And if youd like to get in touch with me, please email me at: AmberKhanTarot@gmail.com
