TMNT 2016

  • 7年前
Kanabo Mikey breaks out of his restraints and starts smashing all of the lab equipment. Hes super strong and cant be held down by the others, even with Cody now in his Turtle X armor. Mike tears out of the room and smashes through a window. The others jump in the Hovershell to track him. As they follow, Don realizes the slime Mikeys trailing is infectious.\r
Suddenly, their attention turns to a crazed Leo whose eyes are now glowing red. Leo then begins smashing around the Hovershell, looking for something to eat like how Mikey was earlier (even going to the extend of chewing on Dons weapon). He pushes Donnie, causing the brainiac to accidentally hit the “Shell Release” button and the cockpit disengages from the body and plummets towards the ground. The ship crashes into the roof of a building and Leo escapes. Raph and Cody follow Mikey while Splinter and Don go after Leo.\r
When Don and Splinter finds Leo eating on a food stand, Splinter tries telling Leo to gain control of himself, only for Leo to spews purple vomit that nearly hits both Don and Splinter.\r
Meanwhile, Cody and Raph follow Mikey into the same hot dog shop where this all started. They find a trap door in the floor and investigate. As they slowly walk downstairs, they discover the basement is covered in the purple slime. When they reach the bottom, they realize its a nest full of angry, stage one Kanabo Drones!\r
As the group of drones prepare to attack, Cody pushes a shelf onto them to slow them down. He and Raph escape up the stairs and barricade the trap door. Cody has a plan on how to slow or reverse the mutation, he just needs to figure out the proper ratio of light to radiation to expose the mutants to, but he doesnt have a chance to figure it out as Master Splinter and Donatello enter, which Raph realizes both of them are in the initial stage of Kanabo mutation as Don and Splinter start chowing down on food. Leo suddenly breaks in and Cody tries a light radiation he comes up with, only to fail as Leos engulfed in purple tentacles that form a cocoon around him. When the cocoon bursts open, Leo has turn into a Kanabo Drone! Leo knocks Cody and Raph, causing the barricade on the basement door to get loose, giving the other Drones a chance to escape the basement and joins the monster menace. The creatures surround Cody and Raph, but just as the drones are about to attack, they stop and kneel on the ground. ShOkanabo arrives and tells Raph and Cody to prepare for their future: a world full of Kanabo Drones!\r
ShOkanabos explains via flashback how the Kanabo roam from planet to planet, infecting host bodies and taking over. When that planet is used up, the ship takes off again to find another world to infect. This time, Earth is the target!\r
Cut back to the present, Raph and Cody decide to get the shell outta there. Cody fires up his rockets and blasts out of the building. Raph sighs and states that Codys jumping the gun, just like Casey has always been before following him and they escape inside a hover-truck. However, Codys armor was damaged and hes been infected. Its all up to Raph to save the day.\r
Cody attacks Raph, causing the hover-truck to crash through a wall into the dawn of a new day. As Kanabo Cody is about to clobber Raph, the suns rays engulf him. Cody falls to his hands and knees, billowing smoke. The mutation reverts and the boy changes back to his normal self. Cody and Raph realize that sunlight contains the correct light/radiation ratio to save their friends!\r
ShOkanabo stands in front of his Kanabo army, gloating that the Day of Awakening has begun. Raph and Cody smash through the walls, creating holes for sunlight to enter. They then begin ripping through boarded up windows, lighting up the entire area. Everyone turns back to normal, including Splinter, Don, Leo and Mikey. With no more drones and his great plan ruined, ShOkanabo destroys and buildings structural supports and flees. The TMNT rescue everyone from the collapsing building. The police begin to arrive, so our heroes goes for a retreat.\r
Cut to a defeated ShOkanabo as hes going berserk in his ship. Everything was going perfectly if not for the sun. With that thought, ShOkanabo begins to plot a way to overcome the obstacle.
