TMNT 2016 [Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles] Season 1 Episode 5 Raph Have A Big Trouble

  • 7 лет назад
In Oroku Sakis palace, Hun tells Saki about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costume wearing freaks. Saki is angry for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have foiled his plans too many times. He accuses Hun and Baxter Stockman of screwing up and allowing the mutants to ruin things. The angry Foot leader orders the pair of underlings to cooperate for a change to find and, possibly, destroy the mutants.\r
Meanwhile, Splinter is teaching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles a lesson about the “Way of Invisibility”. The training session is not going too well when Casey Jones arrives at the lair unexpectedly (and uninvited), causing things to go from bad to worse as Jones becomes the annoying guest who would not leave. However, Casey did come for a reason, to show the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pictures of the graffiti going up all over the city that threatens the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles . Casey wants Raph and the others to go topside and teach these disrespectful taggers a lesson, but the ninjas smell a trap and tell Jones the bad graffiti is not worth troubling about. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles return to their training training as Casey kicks back, showing no sign that he intends to leave anytime soon. Eventually, Splinter has Raphael bring Casey up to the surface while the others continue their training lesson.\r
Baxter presents the Foot Tech Ninja.\r
When Casey and Raph get up to the surface, they happen upon several Purple Dragons spray-painting more graffiti. Casey and Raph easily defeat the three Dragons, but suddenly reinforcements arrive - Baxter Stockmans Foot Tech Ninjas - and they have the power of invisibility! Raph correctly deduces that these bad guys are wearing cloaking devices that make them invisible to the naked eye. Both Raph and Casey are knocked out. The Foot Tech Ninjas take Raphael, but leave Casey to the Purple Dragons to deal with.\r
Stockman eyes the Utrom exoskeleton.\r
When Raphael comes to, he discovers that hes strapped to an examination table, surrounded by probes and other medical equipment, in some sort of lab. Hun and Stockman are observing him. Seeing Raph gain consciousness, Hun begins to question him, while Stockman stays in the background waiting for his chance to dissect this strange creature.\r
In the meantime, Casey escapes the Dragons and returns to the lair and explains what happened to Raphael. While the tale of invisible ninjas is a little hard to swallow, there is no denying that Raph has been kidnapped, so the crew heads out to find their missing brother by using the transponder in his Shell-Cell \r
One night, a group of Purple Dragons are about to rob a store. In the group is a young girl, Angel who is trying to prove herself worthy of being made a Purple Dragon. She throws a brick through the store window and the Dragons begin robbing the store. However, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Casey drop in to break up the break in. As they fight the Dragons, Angel decides to run away from harms way, but she is chased by Casey Jones. He catches the girl and discovers that she is someone he knows from the old neighborhood, a girl he promised he would look out for. Casey starts lecturing Angel about her poor choice of friends and career move, but Angel knocks Casey to the ground and makes an escape. When the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pick Jones up, he explains the situation to them and tells them he needs to find and save his young friend.\r
Casey spots Angel going into the Purple Dragons fight club and he stealthily follows her in to see whats going on. It turns out that part of the initiation is to fight other Dragons in a ring. When its Angels turn into the ring, Casey jumps in to stop her from getting clobbered. The Dragons become furious as they see the vigilante they hate the most, but are stopped by Hun who decides to save him for later. Casey gets hauled off to a holding cell, while Angel sneaks away.\r
Angel breaks into the room holding Caseys cell, but shes unable to pick the lock of the cage door. Jones tells the girl to go get help from his unique friends, and then gives her the address of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtlesgarage warehouse. When Angel gets to the garage, she is certainly surprised at the sight of Jones allies, but she takes things in stride because Casey is in urgent need of help. After the girl explains the situation to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , they all rush over to the Dragons fight club in the Battle Shell.\r
Mike and Don join Leo and Raph just in time to save their shells, but when Hun breaks off the cage wall, causing the entire cage to come down on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles , things take a turn for the worse. However, Casey saves the day when he knocks out Hun with a baseball bat. As