Deep Sleep Programming: Stop Procrastinating Overnight

  • il y a 7 ans
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Deep Sleep Programming MP3 Library - Volume 3 \r
This 40-minute sleep program uses Delta and Theta brain waves to enhance the natural learning process that occurs during sleep. In this case, we have inserted a hypnotic script to stop procrastination into the track as specific intervals, so you can literally re-program your mind and behavior to stop this awful habit with the aid of your natural sleep learning rhythm.\r
Current research is demonstrating that learning does occur as we sleep - the brain reorganizes information during intermittent phases of the sleep cycle in order to free up memory and even solve problems for us as we rest. In this case we are capitalizing on this natural process to help you overcome the habit of procrastination.\r
You will hear a 5-minute hypnotic script about procrastination during this video - it is repeated 6 times with a 90-second gap in-between each presentation. The first reading of the script occurs at 1:30 in the video. In addition, the binaural beats embedded in the soundtrack are synchronized with the script to gently spike from the Delta to the Theta range, in order to help the mind remember the instructions, even though they are being presented during sleep.\r
We believe this is the most powerful program weve ever devised and hope you benefit from listening.\r
Note: You will hear spoken words on this program - it is not designed to be subliminal. You will also find it easy to sleep during the \r
listening, as the other parts of the soundtrack are mixed to blend together. If the words distr you at first, feel free to lower the volume until it is audible as merely a whisper. Over time you can raise the volume. We have listened to long-form audiobooks with binaural beat soundtracks in the background, it is something to which you can grow accustomed. Also note: you will wake up feeling AWESOME!\r
Recommended use: Your experience is always enhanced by listening with headphones or earbuds.\r
Caution: Do not listen while driving or operating equipment that requires your focused attention.
