What GOD Says About DATE-SETTING | Predictions of 2017, 2018, 2019

  • il y a 7 ans
Our first viral video of 2017! Why are some pastors afraid of End Time teaching? Whats the greatest fear of Bible Prophecy? DATE-SETTERS and DATE-SETTING!! Understand why there is such a fear and be assured Pastor Steve Cioccolanti is a prophecy-watcher, not a date-setter in the pejorative sense. Has God provided clues to the future in the ancient Book of Psalms? Whats the evidence for a PSALM-YEAR CODE? \r
This video is the second half of the 1-hour END TIME CODES IN THE PSALMS DVD: \r
For an explanation of the PSALM-YEAR CODES, first watch: \r
Where is God During Tragedies (2 DVDs): \r
Escape the Dark Side of Knowledge (1 DVD): \r
Music Man of Peace used by permission, performed by Guryel Ali and The Gospel Chapel Band; (c) 1983 Bob Dylan; Special Rider Music. You know sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace. (1 Thessalonians 5:3, Dan 8:25)\r
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Watch & Believe!\r
Steve Cioccolanti
