大悲咒-千手千眼觀世音心咒 Mantra of Thousand-handed and Thousand-eyed Goddess of Compassion

  • 7年前

(內附詳盡解說、譯音、祈請文及迴向文 。)

Tsagar Rinpoche interpreted this “Long Mantra of Avalokiteshvara” with his unique deep voice. It will let you experience the "Great compassion and blessing bestowed on all sentient beings in this samsara” through the mantra. Flow with the pleasant melody and sing along. The Rinpoche’s energetic voice and the overall musical presentation contribute to this high quality CD in the new century.

Long Mantra of Avalokiteshvara
演唱者 :札噶仁波切 / Tsagar Rinpoche
音樂類型:不可思議法音 / The most precious chants
出版發行:原動力文化 / PBC MUSIC