• 8 years ago
Following the success of sister organic restaurant Locofama (and in partnership with HK lifestyle brand GOD), Sohofama has fun with the seemingly difficult task of making Chinese food healthy. They've embraced the farm to table concept to the point that the farm is actually at the table. An urban mini garden is built into the restaurant and provides a nice lush backdrop, but also ensures that patrons are served the freshest greens possible.Lest you worry that “healthy” Chinese means boring and bland food, fear not. With specialties such as BLACK TRUFFLE XIAO LONG BAO, SHANGHAINESE PAN FRIED PORK BUNS, and YEUNG CHOW FRIED RICE, the food tastes as decadent as it sounds but with a little less of the guilt.As if that weren't enough of a selling point, they have a killer mixologist who slings libations until you're done ordering. Sohofama doesn't have an official closing time and keeps serving until you're ready to give up ,but do try to make a reservation.


