• 8 years ago
Episode Summary: Setting up camp on the island, the explorers venture into a purple mist which temporarily gives them amnesia, resulting in them handing the map over to the pirates. Can Captain Smollett and shipwrecked dog Ben Gunn rescue them?

Notes from Uploader: Well things get taken up quickly for Team Jim as it's Smollett and not Jim (like in the book) who first encounter Ben Gunn. Fun Fact: Ben and Smollett are voiced by the same actor so it was kinda funny how he was talking to himself for part of the episode. Also, this episode and the Cave of Babel's animations are done by different artists. I was shocked when I learned that Jade Animation (with some help from Studio Ghibli) had a partial hand to these two episodes.

This upload falls under the law of Fair Use.

The Legends of Treasure Island (c) Filmfair

