• 8 years ago
Protesters wearing Guy Fawkes masks filled central London’s streets on the evening of November 5 for the annual Million Mask March.This footage shows protesters in Millbank, chanting and marching past long lines of police officers.The Telegraph said that police limited the protest to three hours, between 6 pm and 9 pm, and 53 arrests were made due to “pockets of disorder and a number of fireworks thrown,” according to Scotland Yard.The gathering, organized by Anonymous, was designed to speak out against “the encroaching destruction of many civil liberties we hold dear,” according to a post on the event’s Facebook page.“We have seen the pushes to make the internet yet another part of the surveillance state, we have seen the government’s disregard for migrants, for the poor, the elderly and the disabled, we have seen the capital, profit and greed of the few put before the well-being of the many and we say enough is enough,” the post reads. Credit: Instagram/gulizaryildirim via Storyful


