From the fear of creepy dolls to the ual fear of having a phobia, here are 13 Intensely Creepy Phobias. Hopefully yours isnt on this list. \r
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6 - The Fear of Dolls \r
How many s have you seen which star a scary talkative dolly? Theres the Childs Play films, Annabelle, that oneof Goosebumps with the ventriloquist dummy. Ugh, ventriloquist dummies in general have always freak me out. This creepy talking doll pictured here is ually from a website called fiverr where you pay a small fee and the doll from the website will say whatever you want, its a fun prank or joke or really creepy birthday card. Whats so terrifying about a talking doll? This distinctive bizarre phobia is technically classified as the fear of humanoid figures. Maybe its the lack of emotion, or the way the glass eyeballs stare straight through your soul, yes, dolls are creepy, especially the talking ones. Yikes!\r
5 - Fear of Other People\r
Fear of human company, extreme shyness, interpersonal relationship issues and social paranoia, all play into this strange sinister phobia. This fear usually manifests with crowd situations. Fear of public speaking can play heavy into this phobia, sweat will pour and a sinking feeling in your gut are quite common when attempting to stand in front of peers. This fear of others affects around 15 million American adults alone. Eating or drinking in front of others can also prove difficult and a general anxiety when around anyone other than family. The frightening feeling of dread from all things social usually begins in childhood or adolescence, most commonly near the age of 13. This disorder, if left untreated, can lead to complete social withdrawal, which I admit, does have a certain appeal. \r
4 - Fear of Spirits\r
This is a fear of all things supernatural, spirits and ghosts, are only the beginning. This fear of the dead and all things associated with the afterlife is best charerised as a mashup of different phobias. Spectrophobia the fear of spectres, Phasmophobia the fear of ghosts, Demonophobia fear of demons and Wiccaphobia the fear of witches. Mix all of these creepy crawly phobias together and we get this all-encompassing fear of the unnatural. This intense paranoia is showcased through uncontrollable sweating and terrorised panic attacks, dominated by a feeling of being watched or chased. Those suffering from this disorder often feel they are being persecuted by spirits, for one reason or another. So be careful with ouija boards.\r
3 - Fear of Sleep\r
This predominantly fear of slumberland is related to the fear of the unknown. Often the individual will be terrified of what might happen if they fall asleep. Some control freaks are afraid for it takes from them their ability to control their reality. Some are afraid of nightmares from traumatic night terrors of the past. Somniphobia is related to a host of other fears, such as the terror of sleepwalking, fear of sleep talking, guilty conscious there, or most commonly, dying during sleep. Death, the big sleep, French singer Edith Piaf summed it up nicely, I fear sleep, as it is a form of death. Sleep deprivation can lead to all kinds of problems, inability to concentrate, irritability, and sometimes even hallucinations or worse. Remember Fight Club. \r
2 - Fear of Food\r
The avoidance of food is usually dominated by a fear of choking, or it could manifest as a fear of a particular food, like Brussel sprouts or pears. Both of these frights could stem from previous traumatic experiences, as phobias most commonly do. This fear could also be driven by pain or gastrointestinal distress. This phobia is often associated with eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. Symptoms could lead to anxiety, such as obsession as to how food is cooked and expiration dates. Some refuse to eat solid foods and must come up with diets which involve juicing or making protein or fruit shakes. Personally this seems like the worst of the worst of fears to me, food is so yummy! \r
1 - Fear of Having a Phobia\r
Thats right, now theres a phobia for having a phobia! Its one of the most unusual phobias out there, a person consumed and terrorised with the idea that they might develop a phobia. This fear of creating a phobia could end with the usual results, severe anxiety, a pounding heart rate and panic attacks. Ironic isnt it? The main problem with this disorder, involving treatment, is the patient doesnt ually know what they are anxious about. Theyre simply anxious about being anxious! Its closely related to the fear of being sick, mentally sick, which can lead to all kinds of panic attacks including a desire to escape.
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6 - The Fear of Dolls \r
How many s have you seen which star a scary talkative dolly? Theres the Childs Play films, Annabelle, that oneof Goosebumps with the ventriloquist dummy. Ugh, ventriloquist dummies in general have always freak me out. This creepy talking doll pictured here is ually from a website called fiverr where you pay a small fee and the doll from the website will say whatever you want, its a fun prank or joke or really creepy birthday card. Whats so terrifying about a talking doll? This distinctive bizarre phobia is technically classified as the fear of humanoid figures. Maybe its the lack of emotion, or the way the glass eyeballs stare straight through your soul, yes, dolls are creepy, especially the talking ones. Yikes!\r
5 - Fear of Other People\r
Fear of human company, extreme shyness, interpersonal relationship issues and social paranoia, all play into this strange sinister phobia. This fear usually manifests with crowd situations. Fear of public speaking can play heavy into this phobia, sweat will pour and a sinking feeling in your gut are quite common when attempting to stand in front of peers. This fear of others affects around 15 million American adults alone. Eating or drinking in front of others can also prove difficult and a general anxiety when around anyone other than family. The frightening feeling of dread from all things social usually begins in childhood or adolescence, most commonly near the age of 13. This disorder, if left untreated, can lead to complete social withdrawal, which I admit, does have a certain appeal. \r
4 - Fear of Spirits\r
This is a fear of all things supernatural, spirits and ghosts, are only the beginning. This fear of the dead and all things associated with the afterlife is best charerised as a mashup of different phobias. Spectrophobia the fear of spectres, Phasmophobia the fear of ghosts, Demonophobia fear of demons and Wiccaphobia the fear of witches. Mix all of these creepy crawly phobias together and we get this all-encompassing fear of the unnatural. This intense paranoia is showcased through uncontrollable sweating and terrorised panic attacks, dominated by a feeling of being watched or chased. Those suffering from this disorder often feel they are being persecuted by spirits, for one reason or another. So be careful with ouija boards.\r
3 - Fear of Sleep\r
This predominantly fear of slumberland is related to the fear of the unknown. Often the individual will be terrified of what might happen if they fall asleep. Some control freaks are afraid for it takes from them their ability to control their reality. Some are afraid of nightmares from traumatic night terrors of the past. Somniphobia is related to a host of other fears, such as the terror of sleepwalking, fear of sleep talking, guilty conscious there, or most commonly, dying during sleep. Death, the big sleep, French singer Edith Piaf summed it up nicely, I fear sleep, as it is a form of death. Sleep deprivation can lead to all kinds of problems, inability to concentrate, irritability, and sometimes even hallucinations or worse. Remember Fight Club. \r
2 - Fear of Food\r
The avoidance of food is usually dominated by a fear of choking, or it could manifest as a fear of a particular food, like Brussel sprouts or pears. Both of these frights could stem from previous traumatic experiences, as phobias most commonly do. This fear could also be driven by pain or gastrointestinal distress. This phobia is often associated with eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. Symptoms could lead to anxiety, such as obsession as to how food is cooked and expiration dates. Some refuse to eat solid foods and must come up with diets which involve juicing or making protein or fruit shakes. Personally this seems like the worst of the worst of fears to me, food is so yummy! \r
1 - Fear of Having a Phobia\r
Thats right, now theres a phobia for having a phobia! Its one of the most unusual phobias out there, a person consumed and terrorised with the idea that they might develop a phobia. This fear of creating a phobia could end with the usual results, severe anxiety, a pounding heart rate and panic attacks. Ironic isnt it? The main problem with this disorder, involving treatment, is the patient doesnt ually know what they are anxious about. Theyre simply anxious about being anxious! Its closely related to the fear of being sick, mentally sick, which can lead to all kinds of panic attacks including a desire to escape.
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