Samsung Unveils New Management to Quell Leadership Crisis

  • 7 years ago
Samsung Unveils New Management to Quell Leadership Crisis
The three executives appointed on Tuesday to run Samsung’s major business units are Kim Kinam, who will lead its lucrative components business; H. S.
Kim, its new consumer-electronics chief; and D. J. Koh, who will lead the mobile-device division.
But the newly appointed executives, who have been drawn from Samsung’s deep ranks of professional managers, could help
ensure the company can run while the fate of the powerful family that built the Samsung empire remains under a cloud.
Kim Kinam succeeds Kwon Oh-hyun, who was widely credited with building up the components business
— a major revenue driver for Samsung as other smartphone makers bought up its chips and displays.
Samsung also said on Tuesday that its chief financial officer, S. H.
Lee, would become chairman of the board starting in March.


