How Do You Stop Bullying? Advertisers Try to Help

  • 7 years ago
How Do You Stop Bullying? Advertisers Try to Help
To mark October as National Bullying Prevention Month, Ms. Lewinsky, along with the advertising agency BBDO and her public relations manager Dini von Mueffling, started an online campaign against cyberbullying
that promotes the hashtag #clickwithcompassion and a suite of emojis developed to support victims of online harassment.
“I think it’s really kind of opening up this conversation around starting to recognize
and de-stigmatize the bullying that’s happening both online and offline in many areas,” Ms. Lewinsky said.
Back when most of the United States got online via dial-up modem, Monica S. Lewinsky learned how the anonymity
of the internet can prompt people to be crude and cruel in a way they never would be in real life.
The campaign’s flagship video depicts what would happen if internet trolls confronted their targets in public rather than online.
These insights have helped shape the conversation around bullying in the past few years, said Ross Ellis, the founder of STOMP Out Bullying, a nonprofit
that is promoting the first Wednesday in November as “National Block It Out Day,” an anti-cyberbullying initiative.
“I think maybe more brands, more people, more entities are experiencing it,” said Heidi Arthur, the Ad Council’s head of campaign development.