How to Make Toy Arrows (1/12 scale) for Action Figures & Other Toys

  • 7 years ago
How to Make Toy Arrows (1/12 scale) for Action Figures & Other Toys\r
Today Im going to show you how to make toy arrows that you can use to accompany the bow I showed you how to make last week. (In case you havent seen it, that video is available at: \r
These arrows will look great with your archer, such as Marvel Legends Hawkeye or DCs Green Arrow. The measurements in this video will be 1/12 scale for 6 inch ion figures, but you can adjust the measurements to fit other toy lines.\r
Well begin by making regular arrows and then well move on to some of these trick arrows. \r
The materials youll need for this project are:\r
Paperboard such as from a cereal box\r
Long wooden toothpicks or regular sized toothpicks\r
Mod podge\r
acrylic paint\r
Paint brushes. I like to use really small ones for the details that are called Spotters and size 10/0\r
Ruler or T-square (I got my T-Square on Amazon at: \r
Basic Arrows:\r
Modern arrows are usually between 75 and 96 cm long. When we scale that down, we know our arrows should be somewhere between 6.3 cm and 8 cm long. \r
Start by trimming off one of the pointy ends of your tooth pick. Then measure the length of your arrow using a ruler or t-square and cut off the opposite end. \r
Next, were going to make an arrowhead from ordinary paper. Fold your paper in half and draw a triangle on it. I made various sizes of triangles for my arrowheads, but the one I like best is 6 mm long by 6 mm tall. \r
Cut out your triangle. Cut along the fold to separate your two triangles. Apply some glue to the tip of your arrows shaft. Apply a layer of glue to both of the triangles. Line up the triangles on the edge of the arrow shaft and press your figures together to bend the triangles a little bit to touch each other to seal the edges of the triangle. \r
Let the arrow head dry and then apply a layer of mod podge over the arrowhead to strengthen it.\r
Now were ready to make the feather end of the arrow called the fletching. If you want to see pictures of different styles of modern fletchings, I used this site for reference: \r
Sketch a fletching design on the paperboard. You want to draw three fletchings per arrow. You can see modern fletching designs here: \r
Cut out the fletching design. Apply glue to the end of your arrow. Space your fletching evenly along the shaft of the arrow. Let the glue dry and then coat the fletching and end of the arrow with another coat of mod podge to strengthen the bond.\r
Trick Arrows:\r
Thats a basic arrow design, but Hawkeye has a bunch of tricks up his sleeve.or in his quiver, so lets try to make some trick arrows. Now you can either shape the trick arrow tips out of clay, or if youre like me and dont feel like getting a tiny amount of clay out, you can just use paper.\r
First, Im making some measurements on my paper to make a variety of sizes of paper strips from between 5 mm for a tear gas arrow to 2 mm for the bola arrow. \r
Apply a little glue to the end of your arrow and attach one end of the paper. Roll the arrow in the paper and apply a little glue to the paperstrip now and then. Keep rolling until you have a thickness of paper that looks good to you. Trim off the remaining strip of paper. Coat the paper with a layer of mod podge and let it dry.\r
You can make different types of trick arrows by altering the thickness of the paper and how much paper you roll on. For the bola arrow I rolled on three 2 mm strips of paper and left a little space between each.\r
Now were ready to paint our arrows. Just remember, before you paint, you want a layer of mod podge dry on the arrow heads and fletchings. Use your choice of colors of paint. After you have the arrows painted, apply another layer of mod podge to all of the painted areas protect your paint from chipping.\r
I ended up making a variety of regular arrows and several trick arrows including:\r
Explosive arrow\r
Rocket arrow\r
Electro arrow\r
Tear gas arrow\r
Sonic arrow\r
Bola arrow\r
Net arrow\r
Share Your Photos:\r
If youve tried any of my projects, Id love to see your photos too! Just send me a link to your photos or send them to me on a social networking site.\r
If you enjoyed this video, I would really appreciate it if you could please give it a like and share it with your friends with similar interests. Feel free to check out my other videos and subscribe if you want to stay updated for the new videos I post several times a week. Thanks for watching!\r
Music: Youtube Free Music William Tell Overture by Rossini\r
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