Here, I have tried to explain, using diagrams, what is going on inside a Two Stroke Carburettor when it is being adjusted. I explain what is meant by Rich and Lean, how the Fuel and Air is mixed together, why we adjust Carb Mixture Screws, what are Mixture Screws, where the Fuel Flows I to the Carburetor, the role of the Main Jet, how to set the High (H) Screw and Low (L) Screw and the role of the Idling (Tick over) Screw amongst other things.\r
I wanted to explain this with the hopes that it will help you gather a theoretical understanding of what is ually going on inside a Carburettor when its operating and being adjusted. Importantly, I hoped to help educate young up and coming Mechanics, and anyone else with a Mechanical interest. \r
I hope you find this video useful, and I really hope you enjoy it.\r
Many thanks indeed\r
The Repair Specialist
Here, I have tried to explain, using diagrams, what is going on inside a Two Stroke Carburettor when it is being adjusted. I explain what is meant by Rich and Lean, how the Fuel and Air is mixed together, why we adjust Carb Mixture Screws, what are Mixture Screws, where the Fuel Flows I to the Carburetor, the role of the Main Jet, how to set the High (H) Screw and Low (L) Screw and the role of the Idling (Tick over) Screw amongst other things.\r
I wanted to explain this with the hopes that it will help you gather a theoretical understanding of what is ually going on inside a Carburettor when its operating and being adjusted. Importantly, I hoped to help educate young up and coming Mechanics, and anyone else with a Mechanical interest. \r
I hope you find this video useful, and I really hope you enjoy it.\r
Many thanks indeed\r
The Repair Specialist
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