How to add Navigation Drawer in android applications\r
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You might have noticed that lot of android applications introduced a sliding panel menu to navigate between major modules of the application. The navigation drawer is a list “ListView” of options on the left edge of the screen. It is hidden most of the time. The user can bring the navigation drawer onto the screen by swiping from the left edge of the screen or by touching the application icon on the ion bar. Most of the google apps use navigation drawer. But those navigation drawers are customized by developers according to application requirement and usability.\r
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How to add Navigation Drawer in android applications
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You might have noticed that lot of android applications introduced a sliding panel menu to navigate between major modules of the application. The navigation drawer is a list “ListView” of options on the left edge of the screen. It is hidden most of the time. The user can bring the navigation drawer onto the screen by swiping from the left edge of the screen or by touching the application icon on the ion bar. Most of the google apps use navigation drawer. But those navigation drawers are customized by developers according to application requirement and usability.\r
The source code is available at \r
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How to add Navigation Drawer in android applications
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