If you live in an area that has a coyote population, these items can help you stay safe:
Personal alarm or whistle -- deters the animal and can get help for you if necessary.
Carrying a cell phone for emergencies is also helpful.
Carry a flashlight and an umbrella, both are known to deter coyotes from approaching you (open and close the umbrella and shine the light at them)
Avoid letting your pet off leash to roam freely while you walk. Keep your pet leashed.
Avoid walking during heightened coyote activity times, dusk and dawn.
If you are approached, stretch out your arms and legs to make yourself appear large and make noise. Stay calm. Never run.
Personal alarm or whistle -- deters the animal and can get help for you if necessary.
Carrying a cell phone for emergencies is also helpful.
Carry a flashlight and an umbrella, both are known to deter coyotes from approaching you (open and close the umbrella and shine the light at them)
Avoid letting your pet off leash to roam freely while you walk. Keep your pet leashed.
Avoid walking during heightened coyote activity times, dusk and dawn.
If you are approached, stretch out your arms and legs to make yourself appear large and make noise. Stay calm. Never run.