USMLE Epidemiology & Biostatistics High Yield, Behavioral Science Step 1

  • 7 лет назад
1:18 – What is the High Yield Rating\r
4:15 – Strategies for Biostats and Epidemiology Questions \r
6:02 – How many Biostats and Epidemiology Questions are on Step 1?\r
8:47 – Super High Yield Topics\r
11:22 - Medium Yield Topics\r
13:53 - Lower Yield Topics\r
14:50 - No Yield Topics\r
Learn about the High Yield Rating Here \r
10 – 2x2 Table\r
9 – Bias & Study Design (3-Randomization, 2 – Sampling & Selection Bias, 1 – Blinding & Placebo)\r
9 – Sensitivity & Specificity \r
9 – Type of Study Design (6-Cohort, 4-Case-Control, 4-RCT)\r
9 – Prevalence & Incidence\r
6 – p-Value and Statistical Significance \r
6 – Positive & Negative Predictive Value\r
6 – Relative Risk and Odds Ratio\r
4 – Confidence Interval\r
4 – Central Tendency (2-Mean, median and Mode, 1-Robustness, 1-Skew)\r
4 – Standard Deviation\r
3 – Statistical Testing\r
2 - # Needed to Treat/Harm\r
2 – Case Fatality Rate\r
2 – Power\r
1 – Absolute Risk Reduction and Attributable Risk\r
NO YIELD (HYR of 0):\r
Kaplan-Myer Curves\r
ROC curves\r
Correlation coefficient & regression\r
Precision and accuracy\r
Different levels of prevention \r
Phases of Clinical trials\r
Range and interquartile range\r
Pre Test and Post Test probability \r
Intention to treat vs. per protocol \r
Blocking (type of randomization)\r
Allocation Concealment\r
Hawthorne Effect and Observer expectancy bias\r
Lead time and length time bias\r
Funnel plot & publication bias\r
Forrest plot\r
Subgroup analysis\r
Surrogate, Clinical and Composite Outcomes\r
Hazard Ratio


