• 7 years ago
I don't think Mila is Ready to be a therapist anytime soon...
2 year old Mila give therapy sessions to her baby doll

Translation :
Hi Martha. Are You Ready to start our session ?
Slow down.
You're life is mess.
wrong page !
are you taking any medications ?
Ibuprofen's not the answer
to all your problems Martha.
tell me about your co worker.
woah fam, don't be salty!
and, how does that make you feel ?
like putting superglue in her coffee ?
Honestly I''ve never done this before...
i need this Doctor thing.
Let me tell you something.
one day, your co worker won't matter.
because you will be forgotten.
and the universe will go on without you.
and that's lunch !
see you Martha!


