For Theresa May, the Brexit News Only Gets Worse

  • 7 years ago
For Theresa May, the Brexit News Only Gets Worse
The British have a point when they say that some of the issues
that the 27 other members of the bloc want resolved before moving to trade talks — such as the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland — are probably insoluble without a broader agreement on future trade relations.
17, 2017
LONDON — With less than 18 months to go before Britain is scheduled to leave the European Union,
and with British businesses growing increasingly concerned about the future, this was the moment Prime Minister Theresa May hoped for a breakthrough in the paralyzed negotiations on the process known as Brexit.
The 27 other European Union nations want Britain to commit to paying more than $60 billion as part of a divorce
deal, before discussing Mrs. May’s ideas for a two-year transition and for a new trade relationship.
The lack of progress in Brussels could strengthen the Brexit hard-liners in Mrs. May’s Conservative
Party, who want Britain to crash out without a deal, cutting ties as it heads for the cliff edge.
But money is one of Britain’s few negotiating cards,
and it could be politically disastrous for Mrs. May to promise such a hefty divorce payment unless she gets a transitional deal and a future trade arrangement in return.
