• 7 years ago
Ancient Macedonian Music - Teskoto Oro | Drevna makedonska muzika (i kulturno nasledstvo) - Teskoto Oro | Древна македонска музика (и културно наследство) - Тешкото оро.\r
Teshkoto IS but one of many examples of evidence that can highlight continuity of ancient Macedonian cultural elements in the living culture of the indigenous Macedonian nation of today! The following will expand on this point:\r
..The Macedonian dances .belong among the oldest recorded dances in the world..\r
..West Macedonian dances...slow motion dances, danced only by men, with long, measured steps. The only accompaniment is the drum and a high-pitched wind instrument. One of these dances is the Teshkoto. Now it is called a shepherds dance, of nimble leaps from rock to rock, watching for possible beast or bandit.\r
Actually, it is an archaic Macedonian dance from pre-slav times, dramatizing the difficult life of the Macedonians, recalling border warfare and raids, the unending battle to defend the flocks, the land, the tribe.\r
In the beginning , says Dr. Mane Chuchkov, Macedonian musicologist and economic geographer, people had nothing but body movements to show how they lived. .\r
There are also ancient Macedonian dances performed to the beat of drums only. And there are silent dances with no instruments or singing or hand-clapping at all. They are the eeriest, sometimes interspersed with weird cries. In silent dances rhythm and beat are supplied either by a measured repetition of an accented dance step or by the jingling of the coins and trinkets with which the womens dresses are adorned, or by periodic shouts. It is these strange and haunting dumb dances, where the feet thud in precise unison without a sound of song or music and men every once in a while leap high into the air, which more than any other stir the spectator in a profound way.\r
The instruments accompanying the Macedonian dances are usually the drum and various wind instruments. Among the latter is the kaval, an ordinary pipe. The longer the pipe, the more sonorous its sound.\r
The kaval has no tongue or whistle-head. You blow it as you do a pencil cap, across the edge of the opening. The zurla, a wood instrument similar to the oboe, has a double mouthpiece and two whistle-heads is a double-reed instrument. In London the zurla player of the dance group of Tanec, Slave Tashevski, created a furor. You could ask him to play this song or that or just nothing, that is, to improvise. He could not read music. The zurla and the drum are not Turkish, as often believed. You find them in frescoes preceding the Turks. They arrived in the Balkans before the Slavs. The Macedonian bagpipe has a seventh little hole with a straw, not for producing a tone but for ornamenting it: it does the murmuring. It is therefore called mrmorec— the murmurer— and is only one-and-a-half millimeters wide..\r
...According to some musicologists, there is so much archaism in Macedonian music, as well as in costumes, dances, customs, for the reason that this region has lived so long in servitude which precluded foreign influences. ..\r
In the wild Mariovo region in southern Macedonia (RM) matriarchy still reigns, costumes and customs are still archaic and civilization has only begun to arrive with a road built recently..\r
[Pribichevich: Macedonia -- Its People and History, 1982.]\r
Povekje izbor na Makedonska narodna muzika moze da se najdi vo slednive spisoci | More Macedonan folk music:selections can be found in the following playlists: \r
1. Makedonski narodni pesni\r
Makedonski narodni pesni i ora - makedonska narodna muzika | Македонски народни песни и ора - македонска народна музика | Macedonian folk songs and oro dances - Macedonian folk music. - \r
2. Makedonski pesni | Macedonian songs \r
Makedonska patriotska i narodna pesna i muzika.| Macedonian patriotic and folk songs and music. | Македонска патриотска и народна песна и музика. -


