Austria: Election night celebrations

  • 7 years ago
It was smiles all round at the headquarters of Austria’s conservative People’s Party (ÖVP). Most had been quietly confident of securing a win even if they have fallen short of an over all majority.

Reporting for euronews Bozsik Daniel said there was huge applause for the ÖVP’s results:

“The eventual make up of the new Austrian government is as yet unknown, but one thing is for sure: the winner of the election with its young leader is undoubtedly the People’s Party.”

“I am very happy with the result, ... we’ve got what we wanted in that we have won the most votes. And yes I think it’s time for a change, I think the voters want it,” said one ÖVP supporter.

Coalition talks will begin once the battle for second place is confirmed between the Social Democrats (SPO)and the far-right Freedom Party (FPO), although before the vote the SPO had ruled themselves out of such talks.

“We the Social Democrats are the rock against this shift to the right. We will strongly oppose any move in that direction,” said SPO supporter.

Riding a wave of anti-immigration sentiment most far right FPO supporters are already celebrating the possibility of their party entering government for the first time in over a decade

“For me it is a good result tinged with disappointment,” said an FPO supporter. “I had expected us to get around 30 percent of votes or at least finish in a clear second place, but it is what it is…”

The populist wave that is a backlash to mass uncontrolled immigration continues to sweep Europe. Still hope?— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) October 15, 2017

Here’s hoping he forms a coalition with the Freedom Party. Having seen the demographic changes Austria has now to put it’s own people first— victorshannock (@victorshannock) October 15, 2017