Most DANGEROUS Bridges In The World!

  • 7 лет назад
Check out the most dangerous bridges in the world you probably shouldnt cross! \r
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List of most dangerous bridges in the world: \r
12.Titlis Cliff Walk \r
The Titlis Cliff Walk holds the record for being the highest suspension bridge in Europe. Located in the Swiss Alps it hangs at 10,000 feet (3, 041m) above sea level. The route takes you along a snowy section of Mount Titlis to an underground tunnel and onto the viewing platform where you have spectacular views 1,500 feet down into the glacier abyss. Their website says only those with “nerves as strong as the steel cables from which it hangs” should cross the bridge, but representatives say its “100% safe and impossible to fall from the bridge.” Its kind of a mixed message but even from just the pictures, it looks totally worth it! As long as I had someone to hold my hand I think Id be fine. \r
11.Langkawi Sky Bridge\r
The Langkawi Sky Bridge isnt old or falling apart, but what makes it special, and kind of scary, is its architecture. The bridge is located in Malaysia at the peak of Gunung Mat Cinchang, a five hundred million year old mountain in Malaysia. It is a suspended bridge that curves out over the trees, giving a breathtaking 360 degree view of the Langkawi islands and Andaman Sea. It holds onto the mountain by a single 82m pylon, and includes glass sections so you can look down onto the tops of the trees located far below. Hanging 700 meters above sea level, the suspended pathway is only accessible by cable car. Which is another engineering feat altogether! The entire bridge was ually built on the ground and then had to be hoisted up by helicopter and then put together in its final position.\r
10.Hussaini Hanging Bridge\r
Located in Northern Pakistan, Borit Lake is home to THE most dangerous bridge in the world. Built on a budget with just wood and rope, the bridge that crosses over the upper Hunza River has some wooden planks that are few and far between. Strong winds shake the bridge and swing it from side to side making you grab on for dear life. The structure, or ghost of one, was ually submerged by floodwaters in new, and badly damaged by a monsoon in new, but that hasnt kept tourists from looking for a thrill. There is ually a new second bridge hanging next to the old one, which is just as rickety and dangerous. If you dare to brave this bridge, hang on for dear life! \r
9.Monkey Bridges\r
Vietnams monkey bridges were chosen by Travel & Leisure magazine among the worlds scariest bridges. These are perhaps the most primitive bridges you will ever see, located in the Mekong Delta in the southern tip of Vietnam. You could probably just make it yourself. They are built with just a single bamboo pole, or two if youre lucky. One to walk on and a second one to use as a handrail. Their nickname comes from the stooped, monkey-like posture you must assume to maintain your balance. If you ever get a chance to try one be sure to bring a towel, just in case you fall into the river!\r
8.Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge\r
Compared to some of the other bridges on this list it doesnt sound as impressive, spanning just 66 feet from point A to B. But the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge in Northern Ireland is 98 feet above jagged rocks between the safe mainland and the island that gives the bridge its name. Originally used by fishermen to catch salmon with their nets, the first bridge was quite primitive and consisted of only one handrail. The rope and wood structure started to gain a name for itself and more and more people came to trit trot over the bridge. Sometimes the walk back over the bridge scares visitors so much they take a small boat back. If you are brave enough to cross at least once youre in for a reward: the island offers breathtaking views of Rathin Island in Scotland and the Irish Sea.\r
7.U Bein Bridge\r
The U Bein Bridge in Burma is the oldest and longest teak footbridge in the world. Built 200 years ago to span shore to shore across the lake in Amarapura, it is ually made of the remains of the former royal palace. The mayor, U Bein, salvaged wood from the pieces of a dismantled teak palace at Amarapura when the capital was moved to Mandalay in 1857. It is held together by 1,086 wooden and bamboo pillars, each one five feet apart, supporting you on your 1.2 km walk, 15 feet in the air. The bridge is most popular at sunset, but if you want to avoid the tourists try going just after sunrise. Then youll be accompanied by hundreds of villagers and monks who still use it regularly by foot. Just be


