• 8 yıl önce
Polar Bowler has crazy ice-pin ion and loads of friendly charers straight from the Arctic North. Test your skills and bring your friends. This multiplayer game will provide you with hours of excitement to last through those löong winter nights.\r
-VP of Content-\r
David Schwartz \r
-Senior Producer-\r
Jay Minn\r
-Lead Developer-\r
Mark Kupper \r
-Artists -\r
Mike Fisher \r
Jeff Selbig \r
Donavon Webb\r
Oscar Nebres\r
-Sound Engineer-\r
Marc Pospisil\r
-QA Manager-\r
Bill Beach\r
-Test Lead-\r
Susi Kalles \r
-Test Engineers-\r
Scott Branston \r
Tony Christiani \r
Bill Dennes \r
John Dunbar \r
Jason Greenstreet \r
Jake Herman \r
Rodd Karp \r
Marcus King\r
Joe Melin \r
Brishan Merrill-Brown \r
Deon Miyoi \r
Keith Souhrada \r
-Special Thanks-\r
Travis Baldree\r
Hugh Diedrichs\r
WildTangent Web Driver Team
