"Unsolved" is a new limited series that draws from the experiences of Greg Kading & Russel Poole, two former LAPD Detectives who led separate investigations into the murders of iconic rappers Tupac Shakur & The Notorious BIG.
Starring Josh Duhamel, Marcc Rose, Wavyy Jonez, Jimmi Simpson, Bokeem Woodbine, Jamie McShane, Brent Sexton, Luke James, Aisha Hinds & Letoya Luckett.
Directed by Anthony Hemingway.
Premieres February 27th, 2018.
Further information @ http://2pac.com/ or http://www.notoriousonline.org/ or http://www.usanetwork.com/unsolved/
Starring Josh Duhamel, Marcc Rose, Wavyy Jonez, Jimmi Simpson, Bokeem Woodbine, Jamie McShane, Brent Sexton, Luke James, Aisha Hinds & Letoya Luckett.
Directed by Anthony Hemingway.
Premieres February 27th, 2018.
Further information @ http://2pac.com/ or http://www.notoriousonline.org/ or http://www.usanetwork.com/unsolved/