Che! - Lalo Schiffrin

  • hace 7 años
On the 50th anniversary of the death of Ernesto Che Guevara

Biography of Argentinian revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara (Omar Shariff), who helped Fidel Castro (Jack Palance) in his struggle against the corrupt Batista regime, eventually resulting in the overthrow of that government and Castro's taking over of Cuba. The film covers Guevara's life from when he first landed in Cuba in 1956 to his death in an ambush by government troops in the mountains of Bolivia in 1967.

Richard Fleischer (THE VIKINGS, THE BOSTON STRANGLER or FANTASTIC VOYAGE) tried this biopic just 18 months after the execution of El Che. Lalo Schifrin composed the soundtrack of this impossible mission with three splendid themes, LA COLUMNA (The Column), ANITA and RECUERDOS (Memories).
