The first official trailer of the series "Happy!" From SyFy
The series will tell the story of Nick Sachs (Chris Meloni), an eternally drunk former policeman, who became a hired killer who swims with the flow in a world of casual deaths, sex and betrayal. When one of his affairs goes awry, Saks's drunken life changes forever with the appearance of a tiny, eternally positive, imaginary blue winged horse.
The premiere of the series will take place on December 6, 2017.
The series will tell the story of Nick Sachs (Chris Meloni), an eternally drunk former policeman, who became a hired killer who swims with the flow in a world of casual deaths, sex and betrayal. When one of his affairs goes awry, Saks's drunken life changes forever with the appearance of a tiny, eternally positive, imaginary blue winged horse.
The premiere of the series will take place on December 6, 2017.
Short film