• 8 years ago
Official 2016 Vidya Vox cover of the traditional Kerala Boat song "Kuttunadan Punjayile", ft Jomy George & Shankar Tucker. | Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1OdHVbo
Watch next, "Sorry x Kandukondain Kandukondain": https://youtube.com/watch?v=pMmCvixJS...

Hey guys! Here is my take on the famous Kerala Boat Song -"Kuttanadan Punchayile." Shankar and I thought it would be fun to write some lyrics and melody lines around it - so all the English parts were written by us! Happy listening!

Huge thanks to Sreenidhi & Sreedevi for dancing so beautifully! Also, thank you to Jayashankar, Shanu Kalarikkal, Kalashashtri & Jomy for helping arrange everything for the shoot!

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Follow Shankar Tucker:
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/TheShrutibox
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Follow Jomy George:
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Follow Sreenidhi & Sreedevi:
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Videography: Shankar Tucker & Zuhair Sait
Video & Audio production: Shankar Tucker

Business Inquiries:
Bookings: pushpa@vidyavox.com


