My Scene - Part 1

  • il y a 7 ans
(talks in third person)Texas decided to make a My Scene video with some people from yahoo in it.\r
Heres the story,\r
Me and Ali were looking through old dvds that we had, from EVERYTHING. Taco has a little step sister and a real sister, Ali. But thats besides the point that as we were looking through the dvds we found a My Scene video. So, Tacos step sister walks in and wants to watch it. Me and Ali were like, what the heck shes too cute not to watch something with her. As we started to watch it I saw how some of themJUST like us. I jumped up and started yelling GUESS WHAT! GUESS WHAT! But no one answered, so I just went to the computer and started making this video. \r
It seems kidish to do videos like this, its like freaking barbie. But wtf its pretty good once you watch the whole thing, and youll see how they are just like us, in similar situaions. I picked out a couple of people. or 10 for this video. You may not figure out who your charer is till the third or fourth video, due to the limited time we have for it to play the video, which is 10 minutes. But anyways, if you have NO CLUE who your charer is well 1 your screwed and 2 youll just have to wait till the next couple of videos. But theres still a reason to watch it, otherwise you wont know whats going on.\r
If your not in this video, well sorry but you either didnt fit the part or I dont know you. Not my fault if you never talk to me, or you never got to know me I also picked some of the most talked about people on yahoo. Or the main person on all the yahoos that I think are cool. If you dont know a person that is listed.. well find out who they are and get over it. OK! Well, Im starting to sound like Taco so just watch the video ALL the way please!!! OH! Also, dont get mad at me if what happens to the charers doesnt exly go as planned.\r
[[Please do not try and look up the charers, cause it will tell you what happens in thethingie! So, please just wait till you figure it out on your own. THANKS!]]\r
Texas löööooves Meka!


