• 8 years ago
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● US Domino Field Record (12,450 dominoes)
● US Domino Structure Record (12,780 dominoes)
● US Domino Record (245,732 dominoes)

Steve Price - Sprice Machines -
Lily Hevesh - Hevesh5 -
Lyle Broughton - jackofallspades98 - ...
Nathan Heck - SuperMarMarMan1 -
Joel Yantha - TheInvention11 -
Alex Huang - Flashdomino -
Mark Robbins - DoodleChaos -
Brady Dolan - BPDoles -
Chase Blanchette - TheRGMGuy01 -
Hayden Russell - Dynamic Domino - ...
Evan Voeltner - E VoltageRGMs - ...
Marcel Pürrer - Austrian Domino Art -
Tim Dunsmore - DrComplicated -
Alexandra Benz - DominoERDMANN -
Michael Fantauzzo - StickTrickDominoDude - ...
Sascha Wilzewski - DominoFan0803 -
Joseph Naberhaus - jdman1699 -
Joel Dähler - Smileypeacefun -
Chris Wright - xXDominoMasterXx -
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Ambiance and musicy things by: Gordon McGladdery did the outro music the video.

The thought is it my efforts making videos will help educate the world as a whole, and one day generate enough revenue to pay for my kids college education. Until then if you appreciate what you've learned in this video and the effort that went in to it, please SHARE THE VIDEO!

If you REALLY liked it, feel free to pitch a few dollars Smarter Every Day by becoming a Patron.

Warm Regards,



