Hellboy Spectacular: Exclusive Hellboy 2 Review, Darkness Ca

  • 16 years ago
In honor of the new Hellboy 2 movie we have a Hellboy Spectacular edition of The Stack. First up is a look at Hellboy Vol. 8: Darkness Calls. Justin really likes how this book fits into Mike Mignola's Hellboy series. Next up we check out Hellboy: The Crooked Man. Both Alex and Justin are in agreement on this great book. Then we look at BPRD Vol. 8: Killing Ground. Alex thinks this book is great for those looking to get into the Hellboy mythos.

Finishing up, we give you an exclusive look at the new Hellboy 2 movie. The guys talk about how visually stunning Hellboy 2 was for them. They love the practical creature work and think that it's a breath of fresh air from all the CGI shortcuts superhero movies have taken lately. Listen to why we think you can't miss this awesome new movie.

See you at the movies this weekend!

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