• 7 years ago
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Squad Detectives Robert Goren (Vincent D'Onofrio), Alex Eames (Kathryn Erbe), Mike Logan (Chris Noth) and Megan Wheeler (Julianne Nicholson) are back for another season of looking through the window of the criminal mind.

The Seventh Year includes 22 powerful episodes featuring high-profile criminal cases ripped from contemporary headlines. Investigations range from the murder of a modern-day pirate to the execution of three college freshmen and Goren going undercover at a mental hospital. Part of television's most successful franchise, Law & Order: Criminal Intent was created by entertainment kingpin Dick Wolfe and ran for ten seasons.

Buy this title: https://www.shoutfactory.com/product/law-order-criminal-intent-year-seven?product_id=2684

SHOUT! FACTORY has devoted itself to the higher pursuit of pop culture for the past 10 years. During that time, we've released some of TV's most beloved gems, such as Freaks And Geeks, My So-Called Life, Sports Night, MadTV and Mystery Science Theater. We've also reintroduced some of television's most adored personalities with collections featuring Dick Cavett, Tom Snyder, Jack Paar, Johnny Carson, Mel Brooks, Groucho Marx and Elvira, Mistress of the Night..


