Denver Part 4, Gonzo Gets the Finger! More Office T-Day Party!

  • 7 лет назад
Our friend Denver suffers with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. He also has had several small abscesses pop up during the last month. Weve cultured them and gotten back MRSA each time.\r
Needless to say, hes taking a sulfa drug daily and weve begun nasal broban ointment therapy. Diabetics are more likely to become staph colonizers.\r
Denver has two abscesses that need to be drained and we were able to schedule some extra time to do them both.\r
Special thanks to Gonzo and Coconut for their help in making this video! Thank them with their own tags: #teamgonzo and #teamcoconut !!\r
Usually I like to make a single, longer video with all the follow-ups, etc but this time our video would have been over 25 minutes. And thanks to youtube weve learned that Aint nobody got time for that! Therefore you will find that there are 6 videos in the Denver . I am going to release one each day until you have seen them all!\r
Order Meta-Seven Here: \r
Join me at SFI: \r
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Lets keep our channel a nice place to visit! Please dont make rude comments! Its ok to critique as long as the spirit of the comment is thoughtful, polite, and accurate! Rude posts are deleted. Please keep it G-Rated!\r
Here are the links to all the Denver videos:\r
Denver1: \r
Denver2: \r
Denver3: \r
Denver4: \r
Denver5: \r


