• 8 years ago
Violett Walkthrough Gameplay Lets Play Part 5 - Caterpillar(2)\r
Set in a world full of won­ders, quirks and things from beyond our real­ity, Vio­lett is a remark­able adven­ture game that will push your brain to the lim­its and engross you completely.\r
Dragged by her par­ents, a young and rebel­lious teenage girl -- Vio­lett, moves to an old spooky house in the mid­dle of nowhere. Forced away from her friends and life in the city; she imag­ines how bor­ing life in coun­try­side will be: spend­ing day after day, bored in her room with absolutely noth­ing to do. But what she can­not imag­ine, is that in just few moments, shell have the adven­ture of her life.\r
A spark of light from the nearby mouse hole catches her atten­tion, she reaches inside and in a blink of an eye shes in a com­pletely dif­fer­ent place. So famil­iar, yet so dis­tant. So mag­nif­i­cent, and yet dan­ger­ous. A place where frogs singing operas are daily occur­rence, gar­den gnomes are emis­saries from another dimen­sion and power of telekine­sis is not freak­ing any­one out. Now only your wit and luck can help her unite with her parents.\r
Rack your brain on intri­cate puz­zles that will allow you to move for­ward. Use the power of telekine­sis to get you out of your trou­bles. Fight the evil spi­der queen that wants to make you her new tro­phy. Roam the beau­ti­ful and psy­che­delic world, inspired by Alice in Won­der­land, Sand­man, Dali and other great works. Immerse your­self in the sooth­ing sound track\r
- Fan­tas­tic 2,5D point-and-click adven­ture game\r
-- Unique world inside the rabbit-hole\r
-- Mul­ti­tude of puz­zles and rid­dles\r
-- A spooky atmos­phere of mys­tery and uneasi­ness\r
-- Evil Spi­der Queen whos try­ing to pre­vent you from ever com­ing back\r
-- Para­nor­mal forces to manip­u­late objects\r
-- Beau­ti­ful hand-painted graph­ics full of quirk­i­ness and style\r
-- Full par­al­lel real­ity inspired by Alice in the Won­der­land and other great works\r
-- Avail­able on Win­dows, OS X, Linux, Android and iOS.


