• il y a 8 ans
bajan kaise badaye tips in hindi\r
You want to know how to gain weight fast, dont you? Well, as a guy who used to be 511 120lbs, I know EXACTLY how you feel.While it seems like most people are interested in weight loss, there are ually TONS of men and women out there who have the opposite goal… weight gain. We are the ones who are either too skinny or underweight for our liking and need a proper weight gain diet to fix it. In most cases, people like us want to know how to gain weight because were looking to build muscle. We might call it “gaining weight,” but what were really looking to gain here is muscle, not fat. In other cases however, some people dont care what that weight is. Muscle, fat, or a combination of both… they just want to add ANY kind of weight to their body fast.Well, whichever category you fit into, here now is a completely FREE guide (for men AND women) that explains EXACTLY how to gain weight. Lets begin…yes, protein, fat and carbs all matter as do the types of foods you get each nutrient from. But, above all else, calories are BY FAR the most important aspect of a weight gain diet. Heres why…Basically, there is a certain number of calories that you need to eat each day in order to maintain your current weight. This is known as your calorie maintenance level. If you eat less calories than this amount, you lose weight. However, guess what happens if you eat more calories than this amount?So, if you want to know how to gain weight, you simply need to eat more calories than youre currently eating. Thats honestly all it takes, and thats honestly the one true requirement of a weight gain diet.\r
Which means, if youre not gaining weight now (or in the future), the problem 100% of the time is that you just arent eating enough. Simple as thatThis brings us to the most important question of all… how many calories do you need to eat per day for weight gain to happen as fast as it should?To answer this question, you just need to figure out what your calorie maintenance level is and then eat more than that amount each day.To do this, just fill out the calorie maintenance level calculator below and click “Calculate!” to get what should be a pretty fast and accurate estimate\r
Please watch: What to Eat After a Workout | hindi tips \r


