Structure of a Neuron

  • 7 yıl önce
You will learn about Structure of a Neuron in this video. Neurons also known as the nerve cells are the basic building blocks of the nervous system that help in receiving, processing and transmitting information.\r
A neuron consists of 3 main components, i.e. the cell body or soma, dendrites and the axon. The cell body consists of the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Long thin fibres called nerve fibres stretch out of the cell body. The shorter fibres on the cell body are called dendrites. Axon is the longest fibre of a neuron. It has an insulating and protective sheath called the myelin sheath, which is made up of fats and proteins. The neurons carry messages in the form of electrical signals called nerve impulses. The dendrites pick up impulses from receptors, pass it to the cell body and the impulses then travel along the axon. Axon passes these impulses to another neuron through a junction called the synapse. In this way, the impulses are carried from one neuron to another and finally delivered to the brain or the spinal cord.\r
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