Hunters Seizure (What does a seizure look like?)

  • 7 лет назад
This doesnt show the start of the seizure. His head was hitting the cupboard as I entered so I had to move him back a safe distance before starting the video. He has no recollection of the seizures. He does not become aware until several minutes after the convulsions stop and even then hes groggy and confused. This is my husbands 5th grand mal seizure in the past 6 years (he ually had another one 8 hours after this one, which has never happened before). Weve been through all the testing and there is no obvious cause to them. Weve been told a common trigger is a combination of high levels of stress and being overtired. They are infrequent, happening about every 1 - 1 1/2 years. His first one was about 8 minutes in length (that time I was hysterical and nowhere near as calm as I appear in this one). Each subsequent one has been progressively shorter. The first being 8 minutes in length and now down to about 3 minutes. He has also experienced petit mal seizures. He is on an anti-seizure medication that works well for him. These last two were triggered by a lapse in his medication due to an error in communication between the pharmacy and the drs office, which caused him to be without meds for 3 days.
