Trump Says The Border Wall With Mexico Will Be ‘See-Through’

  • 7 years ago
President Trump has said that the border wall with Mexico will be “see-through.”

President Trump has said that the border wall with Mexico will be “see-through.”
He shared the detail during a rally in Alabama Friday after telling the crowd, “The wall is happening, folks, okay? Believe me.” 
“We’re building samples of the new wall. You know, it has to be a see-through wall….If you can't have vision through it, you don't know who is on the other side,” Trump then said. 
“We are looking at different samples already of see-through walls. And, I think also, to be honest with you, a see-through wall would look better...but we are looking at four different samples….I'm going to out and look at them personally, going to pick the right one,” he added. 
This isn’t the first time the president has talked about the need for a way to look through the wall.
“You have to be able to see through it….so it could be a steel wall with openings, but you have to have openings because you have to see what’s on the other side of the wall," he told reporters in July.  
During his Friday speech, Trump also said that the wall would likely not span the entire border.
“We are going to have as much wall as we need. You don’t need it all the way. You have 2,000 miles, you don’t need it because you have a lot of natural barriers,” he told the Alabama crowd.


