Survivor Top 100 Gen3 Moments - #14. Kat's blindside

  • 7 years ago
Season 24, Episode 12.

The fourth and final entry from One World, the comical downfall of its best (or second-best if you're a Tarzan-guy yourself) character. There's just never been a more deliciously ironic blindside in the history of the show, besides maybe the John Carrolls and Silas Gaithers and Russell Hantzes, but who cares about those guys anymore hahah. Anyway, this is among the best of 'em, and a SHINING highlight in easily the worst season the show's ever seen. And no, it's not just because of the boringness or the robotic slaughter Kim performed on all these mortals (as a player she's among the best that ever did it, of course). Watch Colton and Alicia's secret scene to find out what I'm talking about, in case it's just been a long time since watching One World, and you need a reminder of why you loathed it five years ago.

But I guess for every Colton and Alicia there's a Kat and Tarzan. Fate's got a way of balancing things out, doesn't it?


