War of words putting Mel Gibson's OED founder movie at risk

  • 7 years ago
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War of words putting Mel Gibson's OED founder movie at risk
A FILM starring Mel Gibson as the Scot who created the Oxford English Dictionary could be scrapped after he and the director sued studio bosses to stop its release. Director Farhad Safinia says he was thrown off the project, and is suing for copyright infringement and defamation. He has also asked for the current version of the film to be destroyed.Voltage chief executive, Nicolas Chartier, says Gibson and Safinia agreed to shoot the Oxford scenes at the Library of Trinity College in Dublin Ireland, but then changed their minds.He said: “These issues caused additional costs to the production, which was over budget by $1.3million.”The film is based on Simon Winchester’s book and revolves around Murray discovering that contributor William Minor, played by Sean Penn, was a convicted killer and patient in the Broadmoor criminal lunatic asylum. Murray, from Denholm, near Hawick, left school at 14 but went on to become headmaster of Hawick Grammar at 20.In 1878, Murray was invited to Oxford to meet Oxford University Press, with a view to editing a new dictionary.Murray formed a relationship with Minor, a former Union Army captain and surgeon in the American Civil War.Winchester believes Minor lost his mind after being forced to use a red-hot iron to brand the face of a deserter with the letter D.He was confined to a US asylum for a while before moving to London, where his paranoid delusions led to murder.. 00FastNews. Please Subscribe!

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