In New Zealand, a Malay-Chinese Beekeeper Is an Unlikely Envoy for Maori

  • 7 years ago
In New Zealand, a Malay-Chinese Beekeeper Is an Unlikely Envoy for Maori
21, 2017
AUCKLAND, New Zealand — Wetex Kang, a Malay-Chinese immigrant beekeeper, may be the first Asian candidate to represent the Maori Party of New Zealand,
but at times he sounds more like a certain American president.
Mr. Kang said that They start over from zero.
I stand for bridging the inequality in this country,
and helping the tangata whenua realize their true potential," Mr. Kang, 44, said, using the Maori word for the original inhabitants of New Zealand.
For the Maori Party, Mr. Kang’s candidacy for a seat in the House of Representatives, which will be put to a vote on Saturday, is an attempt
to see if the party can attract the support of a group outside New Zealand’s mostly white political establishment: the Chinese community.
Vivian Zhou, 40, a Chinese resident in Botany, said it was unusual for an Asian to run for the Maori Party.
Kang said that I was not there to debate,